Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Comfy @ the Cafe

Alex has been getting pretty comfy at his favourite cafe lately.

He likes the couch, the cold water, the conversation while we have coffee... and...

most of all...
the sound of the coffee machine.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Uni Games

Last week Alex went up to watch some of the uni games, including the Ultimate Frisbee and 7-a-side rugby.

Apparently the excitement was all too much and a sleep was needed on the way home in the car.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Visit to hospital

Alex has been really sick, spending a day up at casualty with really high temperatures and an infection.

Day 1 looking a bit sad and sorry.

Day 2 back to more of his usual singing, clapping self.

A few days of IV antibiotic treatment and hopefully all will be back to normal for Alex.

Didn't look too sick last night when we had a visitor who could play the harmonica for him!